St Andrews Park
About the Site
• The re-development of the former cement works began with the demolition of the chimney in September 2010.
• Redrow Homes Ltd. is the developer of the approx. £75 million pound project.
• Halling Parish has grown by the addition of 385 homes.
• Of these, 25% or 95 units are for MHS Homes (Medway Housing Association) with three different schemes of rent or ownership.
• All the homes have been built in planned phase progression and building was completed in February 2019 and Redrow attempted to hand over the estate to the residents but this was not accepted as a substantial amount of work was outstanding and this has yet to be completed.
• The water gantry (pipe) across the A228 that diverts water from the Blue Lake to the Medway River has been removed and replacement pipe has been (moled) under the road.
• A pedestrian bridge has been built across the A228 adjacent to Kent Road roundabout.
Other Amenities and Services
• Planning Application MC/19/2814 has been submitted for the construction of 20 waterside holiday accommodation units, 12 on-the-lake holiday pods with two of these comprising a managers unit and office/security unit, a Water Sports Centre with associated ‘hub’ to provide for sailing, diving, fishing, rowing, paddle-boarding venue and an outdoor activity centre and fishing lodge. In addition the provision of two zip wires, an artificial wreck, floating pontoon and infrastructure, provision of a Forest School, placement of temporary facilities comprising of Temporary office/admin/sales facility; Temporary toilets; Temporary car parking and Infrastructure with associated parking, access, engineering, landscaping, mooring infrastructure and ecological enhancement works throughout St Andrews Lake.
• It is proposed that the agriculture field below Pilgrim’s Road known as The Northern Field will become a trim trail as detailed in planning Application MC/17/1793.
• Two small play areas have been provided within the housing area for residents use.
• The outline planning application for St Andrews Park included other associated buildings and two of the three were to be developed selected from a pub, a hotel or a clinic/40 unit extra care facility. However when there were no expressions of interest in these facilities the plots of land were sold and from the new owner there is currently a planning application MC/19/0994 for the construction of an extra care facility comprising of fifty 1-bedroom and forty five 2-bedroom apartments with communal facilities including restaurant, offices and a separate retail unit (Class A1) with associated landscaping, access, parking and infrastructure on the site adjacent to the balancing ponds and Brook Road.
• Planning application MC/19/3158 has been submitted on Land East of Formby Road, Halling opposite St Andrews Park with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the redevelopment of an existing commercial site for the erection of up to 330sqm of small-scale business units of B8 or up to 336sqm mixed use B1/B8 and up to 150sqm of mixed use A3/A5 use together with access, and on-site parking and turning facilities.
Redrow and the Halling Community
• Redrow (the developer of St Andrews Park) has contributed £100,000 to the Halling Parish Council for the purchase of the former Fire Station which was then sold onto the Baptist Church for Community Use and this has been converted and is in use.
• Redrow has paid £256,000 to Cuxton School.
• Redrow has paid £180,000 as a contribution to Health Facilities but in the First Schedule Part 1 para 1.1 of the S106 agreement they assigned this to the Strood area.
• The two junior football pitches to be provided by Redrow have failed to materialise and currently there are discussions between Medway Council and Redrow to develop the Mound at the Southern end of Halling for football.
Formby Terrace
The whole Formby Terrace site was initially intended for demolition but when no Companies expressed any interest in the commercial development i.e. use as offices, warehouses or production this was changed specifically for the homes which have now been refurbished. Remaining areas of the site are now being developed for light industrial uses against the approved planning application MC/18/0121 This is in accordance with Medway Development Plan to retain employment opportunities in the area.
There is an approved planning application MC/18/0175 for a terrace of 5 houses at right angles to the A228 next to no.12 Formby Terrace.
# - NOTE: mention of, or links to, any external website is provided on an 'as-is' basis. The Parish Council is not responsible for any external website(s).
[April 2020 updated]